Sex & pornography
Articles sorted by Most Recent
We Don’t Agree on How Often to Have Sex – Podcast: Dr. John Deloney
There are similar discussions that couples struggle with; finances, sex, in-laws, parenting etc. An often not discussed conversation, especially in Christian marriages is anything around sex. I am going to start posting some thoughts on this topic. Please remember...

Podcast with Sheila Wray Gregoire | Direct Communication 101–with Your Spouse and Your Kids!
I had the chance to be on the Bare Marriage podcast with Sheila Wray Gregoire recently. I really appreciate the conversation Sheila is having on all aspects of marriage. If you have not subscribed click the link below you will be taken to the podcast page with more...

Sexting Among Kids Is Bigger Than Ever—and Often Illegal. Here’s How to Talk to Your Child.
Sexting is a topic you as a parent must address. Here are some thoughts from a great article on this. Girls get requests for nude selfies as a precursor to dating; boys share unsolicited ‘nudes,’ raising issue of consent I first want to acknowledge that this article...

Brett’s Picks – The Great Sex Rescue
New book The Great Sex Rescue. In a few of my talks, I speak about how dysfunctional our church world often is in our conversations on sex both in parenting as well as in our marriages. I am really looking forward to the release of this book coming up soon by Sheila...

Help! I think I’m addicted to pornography | How to quit pornography for good
A common conversation I have with people is about how to quit porn. So pornography is one of the 7 topics that I speak on. I have a large presentation I speak called "the porn project" - https://youtu.be/KkWPcvGp23c.There are so many conversations needed around this...

Help! My spouse is watching porn | Interview with a Psychotherapist
Brett - My spouse is watching porn, or is my spouse is addicted to pornography. What do I do? This is the question I often get asked after my speaking dates. I often have parents talk to me after my talks or message me and seem quite lost with what to do. In my last...

Help! My kid is watching porn | interview with a psychotherapist | 7 questions
Help my kid is watching porn seems to be a growing message I get from parents. What do I do? Pornography is one of the 7 topics that I speak on. I have a large presentation I do called the porn project. Click here to see this talk. For today I wanted to bring on...

The 7 Deadly Sins: Mark clark
Really great sermon series from Mark Clark from Village Church in BC. Well worth your time. https://youtu.be/3BeME17JXtU https://youtu.be/J4ucAT8lMJU https://youtu.be/OTpujs79f9Y https://youtu.be/vlNI0sUYwqY https://youtu.be/MlGsUUO5ujs https://youtu.be/y1ms9Ia0Dgk...

pornography & sexualized culture – Paul Lavergne with Brett Ullman (interview)
A few months ago I had the chance to be interviewed by Paul Lavergne who is a Registered Psychotherapist & Sexual Recovery Therapist. Paul and I met a few years ago at a conference on pornography in Ottawa. In this interview we had some really great conversations...

Reimagining masculinity; my journey as a male sexual assault survivor | Landon Wilcock | TEDxQueensU
Powerful talk on sexual assault and masculinity. What I've come to understand is that there is no one identity of a man, and there's no necessity for one's personal type of masculinity to be the same as another's. As a survivor of sexual assault, Landon came to view...