Mental Health

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How to be a better man: Mental health

How to be a better man: Mental health

In an earlier video 8 ways to be a better man ( I talked about 8 categories we should be working on to be better as men. Physical Health – Health - This videoSpiritual HealthMarriage (men as...

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Teens Did Surprisingly Well in Quarantine

Teens Did Surprisingly Well in Quarantine

I read daily all the negative conversations around mental health in this season of COVID. I found this article in the Atlantic today and I thought it would be great for everyone to read. How American teenagers fared during this time is more of a mystery. With teens no...

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Brett’s Picks: Dr. Greg Wells | The Ripple Effect

Brett’s Picks: Dr. Greg Wells | The Ripple Effect

The Ripple Effect: Sleep Better, Eat Better, Move Better, Think Better. By Dr. Greg Wells This book is in my top 5 books I read in 2020. It was so challenging to move forward a little bit each day in the categories of sleeping, eating, exercising, and my thoughts....

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Brett’s Picks: Iona Snair & Tim Huff | Am I Safe?

Brett’s Picks: Iona Snair & Tim Huff | Am I Safe?

Anxiety has become one of the most talked-about conversations as I travel and speak. Today I wanted to showcase a great book on talking about anxiety with our young kids. Really great book from Iona Snair and Tim Huff. Highly recommend. Check out the video and Amazon...

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