Being silenced on sex isn’t the end of Christianity
Really like this. So many things the Church can engage in.
Is the conservative arm of the church so focused on sexuality and marriage that being told to shut up about it is seen as tantamount to a complete public gag order?
In asking this I’m not defending the public vitriol heaped on bakers and brewers. But I don’t think being silenced on sex can be equated with the death of Christianity.
Feel free, outraged ministers and bloggers, to speak up about immigration policy, climate change, and gun control.
Feel free to enter the public square and champion the rights of disadvantaged first nations.
Please, don’t hold back on the corrosive effects of our nations’ addictions to gambling and alcohol and junk food.
Fulfill your mandate, please, to steward creation by opposing rampant strip mining, destructive pipelines, and corporate greed.
Feel free to speak out against bulging military spending, arms races and world leaders’ compulsion for conflict.
Sure, you’ll get plenty of debate, and there will be those who’ll tell you to keep quiet. These aren’t easy matters to address, nor popular campaigns to engage in. But surely, the church should have as much to say about justice, reconciliation, ecology and peacemaking as it does about marriage and sexuality.
Click here for the entire article.