How to be a better man: Marriage (men as husbands)
In an earlier video 8 ways to be a better man (click here) I talked about 8 categories we should be working on to be better as men.
One area we must concentrate on is our marriages. There are many aspects that we can work on to be better husbands. This is such a big topic and this video is designed to just give you a few practical things you can start on.
- Physical Health – https://youtu.be/J7E4Pz1Ib3o
- Mental Health – https://youtu.be/SE9sgHdKSek
- Spiritual Health – https://youtu.be/vPDoRLYQ6zk
- Marriage (men as husbands)
- Parenting (men as fathers)
- Finances (which includes work)
- Sexuality (porn for today’s conversation but much larger topic)
- Loneliness
This video goes more into detail on the ways we can work on our spiritual health. Love to hear how you are currently working on your spiritual health.