dating.for.life: the questions (full presentation)
In this new update of my original dating for life talk (Original talk can be found here) I have gone back to the basics.
In this new talk, I answer 8 basic foundational questions on dating:
1. What is dating?
2. When should I start dating?
3. Am I ready to start dating?
4. How do I start dating?
5. What are Red Flags in my dating relationships?
6. How do I find out if they are the “One”?
7. How do I break up?
8. What if they are the right person for me?
Simple and practical conversations on dating for High School and Young Adults. This talk might also be good for parents who want to understand how to help equip their kids for conversations on dating.
This is my full presentation on dating. If you want to show this to your church, youth group, camp, etc you can buy a digital download from the Vimeo link – https://vimeo.com/ondemand/datingforlife
If this talk helped you or someone in your family and you would like to make a small donation to the Charity (Worlds Apart) you can do so from this link – Thanks for any support.