Parents: Momo challenge

Quick PSA (Public Service Announcement) today for parents
Parents, please stop forwarding messages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. talking about this MOMO challenge. I have had so many parents messaging me in fear this past week. Parents keep tagging me in MOMO articles but never the articles that talk about how…
I decided to make a Youtube video on it and within minutes found someone else who made a great response. PLEASE watch the first 7 minutes (small language at the start) on this. He goes through everything and more that I was going to say.
We do as parents need to take an active role in our kids lives both online and off.
We do need to addressing bullying and mental health issues amongst others in the lives of our kids.
We do need to stop listening to fear-based media and do a little research for ourselves before we become part of the problem and share this material around. We as parents need to have some media discernment and follow proper digital citizenship on what we do online.
Please check out the first part of the video above and I would love to hear your thoughts.
Hello Brett. I am wondering why police departments and school boards are taking this seriously. They have cyber police and discernment in this matter. I am just trying to get to the bottom of this. By the way my son’s school just issued a statement regarding this. Here is statement from Globsal News: https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/5003842/suicide-youtube-momo-challenge/amp/
Hi Milena, I watched Global News at lunch today and they said the same as I said that it is a hoax. There are a few cases (2) of inappropriate videos being seen by kids on the adult youtube and not kids youtube but other than that there is really nothing that I see that warrants this panic. They do not even name the cybersecurity experts who said what they quoted in the article. The Global article says there are no Canadian cases other than one report (not verified) in Quebec.
If your kid’s school is sending out correspondence it is a huge overreaction to this. The articles all talk about how kids should not be on Youtube without parent supervision which I fully agree with.
Hope this helps