The Power of Moments: transitions, milestones, and pits | amazing Book suggestion

I love this quote from the book “The Power of Moments” by Chip and Dan Heath.

“Transitions should be marked, milestones commemorated, and pits filled. That’s the essence of thinking in moments. To be clear, not all defining moments fit into these three categories. Many defining moments could happen anytime.”

It is the idea that big days are big deals. So how are you marking these moments in your home with your family?

So what do you do with these things? Anything you want. Maybe dinner out, a special meal at home, a family hike, go to the movies, a unique dessert or coffee shop etc. The idea is simply that you are just celebrating or acknowledge that something is going on.

Don’t miss these moments in the lives of your kids. Love to hear how you celebrate these moments.

You can find the Amazon link to The Power of Moments by clicking here.

All the books I suggest in all my talks can be found here divided by topic.

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My book Parenting: Navigating Everything is out. For ways to purchase click here.

the power of moments

About The Author

Brett Ullman

Brett Ullman travels North America speaking to teens, young adults, leaders, and parents on topics including parenting, mental health, sexuality, pornography, men, dating and media. Brett's seminars engage and challenge attendees to try and connect our ancient faith with our modern culture we live in. Participants are inspired to reflect on what we know, what we believe and how our faith ought to serve as the lens through which we view and engage tough conversations in our society today.

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