How to be a better Father, Husband, and Boyfriend: The Man Talk

Numerous times each year I get a chance to come to churches and conferences and do a talk for guys. I thought I would post my entire talk: the Man Talk on youtube. Please share this with any guys you know.
The Man Talk is what it sounds like – a discussion about what it’s like to be a Man today. It’s a real talk, a meat, and potatoes approach to issues pressing us from all sides:
Being the best Father I can be.
What it’s like to be a Husband and a Servant.
Christian men and sex.
Boyfriend. Father. SON. Husband. Lover. Fixer. Buddy. Servant. Sexual. Boss. Hero. Boys Adrift. Friend. Guide. Daddy. Courageous. Loyal. Theirs. Mine.
Everybody needs a good talk at some point. And, this is one for you. Everyone’s welcome to the man talk – ladies, no jeering. We’re working on a talk for you too 😉
Real Men who aren’t afraid to talk about Man stuff, and who are better for it.
If you would like to bring me in to speak this talk to your guys just send me a message or visit my website