Title for New Parents Talk – thoughts?

As I finish up my new talk for parents I am trying to decide on the title and byline for it. Thought I would ask people their thoughts.
The current graphics I am having created will be some sort of boat with 4-5 paddles per side. The boat itself will be the foundations of parenting we must have and the paddles will be all of the sections that we need to address as parents with our kids.
This talk will cover the foundations of parenting: (boat analogy)
- Parenting Styles (what are they, which ones should we be doing)
- Communication
- Time
- Discipline
The remaining section of the talk will be helping parents with all of the different concepts we must deal with: (paddles)
- Family Discipleship
- Health (mental, emotional, physical)
- Sexuality (pornography, dating, marriage)
- Media (TV, Movies, Music)
- Drug / Alcohol use and abuse
- Education
- Finances
- Section on being Men/Women
- anything missing?
Current Titles and Bylines I am thinking of
- cradle2college –
- Parenting – Everything we need to do
- Parenting – A Practical Guide to Raising kids
- Parenting – Equipping and Empowering parents in all aspects of parenting
- Parenting – Solutions to helping you be a better parent
- any other thoughts?
Thanks for any help. I am presently booking this talk for Jan 2017 onwards. Love to have a few test runs in Jan. Let me know if you are interested.
“Whatever Floats Their Boat?” – Paddle Your Way Through Parenting from the Cradle to College. In the intro. I think you could effectively compare parenting to the boat/paddle analogy. In your introduction, because there is a question mark as part of the title, you could address the different parenting approaches – for example, some parenting is all about keeping the peace without building a strong foundation & then come back to your premise that the “parenting boat” needs to have basic “building materials” (training in media, discipleship, etc). I could picture an actual paddle on its side introducing each chapter topic. For example, the word “Media” printed on the paddle for the chapter discussing media. I think your visual is a fantastic idea & the topics are spot on! – I might include a section on friendships (choosing friends, being a friend, being friendly, letting go, ending a friendship, etc)
I like the “equipping and empowering” by itself.
typo? * are you are booking for Jan 2018*