Why Most Churches Greet You Like It’s 1999: Carey Nieuwhof
Such a great blog with such a simple fix. Please take a few minutes to check it out!
When you welcome people to your church, do you still behave like it’s 1999?
See…you and I have moved from a world in which we had the ability to encourage people once or twice a week, to a world in which we can connect daily.
This isn’t just a promotional thing (don’t miss our big cheesy dinner Tuesday night!), it’s a discipleship thing.
Seriously, you can gain permission to speak into people’s spiritual journey regularly.
Publish helpful, useful content, and people will sign up to follow you. Don’t, and of course, they’ll unfollow you. The online world gives you instant feedback on whether you’re helping people or not. Just check your stats.
Click Here to read the entire blog.