Kings Kaleidoscope – A Prayer

One of my favourite things is when someone shares a new artist or band with me. Last night at a speaking date someone asked if I had heard of Kings Kaleidoscope. I had heard their name but never listened to them. I was told that their song “A Prayer” was about the singers (Chad Gardner) struggle with anxiety. I listened to this song on repeat the entire way home last night. Powerful lyrics. Thought I would share it with you.
Side Note: There are actually 2 versions of this song. In one version the singer used his actual journals and it includes a F word in the lyrics describing his feelings. If you are going to download this song just be aware there are 2 versions. Lots of debate online about the use of the F word. As someone who has struggled with anxiety and depression I loved the raw honesty of the lyrics in the clean version. Personally I downloaded the clean version for use in my home. I also understand being in a dark place and his use of language is something that most of us who have struggled can connect with.
This song is a real turning point in worship music to me. The honesty of this amazing song is something i really feel that every follower of Christ needs to hear. A lot of worship seems to be all about the good, while forgetting that, we are bound to struggle in our imperfect, human lives. And there are going to be times where we feel like God will forget about us, or suddenly decide that we are no longer worth his time. Now this isn’t a shot at any other worship, and i hope this is taken as such, but it’s extremely rare that we hear something so honest get put out there, and we really need more songs like this. Songs that remind us even in the hardest times, Jesus will never leave us, because he loves us.So please, if you have the time, give this song a listen and share the word of God’s unfailing love.
Why a Prayer by Kings Kaleidoscope is a turning point for worship
Video and lyrics are below. (clean version for both)
Will I fall or will I misstep?
Will I fall or will I misstep?
Will I call you with my last breathe?
Will you be there for me after?
Will I waste inside the silence
Where the fear is vicious violent?
Wicked sinner thrown to lions
With no hope on the horizon
Will I fall or will I misstep?If I fall or if I misstep
If I fall or if I misstep
If I call you with my last breath
Will you be there for me after?
Cause I’m wasting in this silence
And my fear is vicious violent
I’m a child thrown to lions
Is there hope on the horizon?
If I fall or if I misstepJesus, where are You?
Am I still beside You?
Jesus, where are You?
Am I still beside You?
Jesus, where are You?
Am I still beside You?
Am I still beside You?
Jesus, where are You?
Jesus, where are You?I’m right beside you! I feel what you feel!
And I’m here to hold you when death is too real!
You know, I died, too! I was terrified!
I gave myself for you! I was crucified
Because I love you! I love you, child!
I love you!
What do you think about this song?
I really love this style, The Brilliance is another really good band, especially their songs like “Brother” and “Breathe”.
Just like Kings Kaleidoscope there seems to be raw honesty and in some of The Brilliances songs they sound very Spirit led.
Jeremy Camp sang songs about deep emotion and didn’t need to throw out expletives. Skillet did the same.
Both creative artists. Both made their points. Both reach a spectrum of people.
Now we’re focused on a word instead of our Lord, which should always be the opposite intention of a worship band.
Very good point no need for the expletives. I like his passion but he went to far and those who don’t think he did well the apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:29 says let no unwholesome word come out your mouth the translation is no morally bad or corrupt word…swearing is morally bad we still believe this right?
Please don’t judge me. No, I don’t think swearing is ok but when you are in serious pain…I mean some serious depressive, anxious, psychotic terror level type pain, they can slip out. God answered my cries anyway. If someone was in severe pain and they were trying to describe it to you. They are pouring out their heart and they let a swear out, is that the part you would focus on? Is that what your response to that person would be? Really? I don’t think so, I hope not but in that situation I don’t think you would. This song completely broke me because of that swear word. I was that person dealing with psychosis and it was terrifying. So yes, from time to time, when pleading to God, a swear came out. You know what? In that moment, He didn’t care. He was there. He answered my call. Swear and all.