What It’s Like to Be a 13-Year-Old on Social Media Today

Powerful article (**note: some language) in Huffington post about social media and young girls. Important information to talk about in our homes, schools and churches.
The culture of social media churns away, seeming to pay very little attention, so far, to the protestations of feminists or anyone who objects to its troubling aspects. And girls suffer. On a daily, sometimes hourly, basis, on their phones, they encounter things which are offensive and potentially damaging to their well-being and sense of self-esteem.
“Sexism has filtered into new arenas that adults don’t see or understand because they’re not using social media the same way,” said Katie, a student at Barnard. “They think, Oh, how can there be anything wrong here if it’s just Snapchat or Instagram, it’s just a game.” But if this is a game, it’s unlike any other we’ve ever played. And the stakes for American girls could not be higher.
Click here for the article.