Canadian Truth.Teller: Leanne Cabral

Canadian Truth.Teller: Leanne Cabral

Hi, I am Leanne Cabral, a speaker who ignites and equips parents to make their invisible faith visible, so that they can intentionally point their kids to Jesus and build a legacy of faith.

My passion is equipping parents, helping them navigate this seemly huge assignment of passing faith onto their children. This passion grew out of my own journey as I sought to understand, on a really practical level, the task we as parents have been charged with; passing faith onto the next generation. You see, I come from a history of faith, I was raised on the mission field, my father was a pastor, I grew up in the church and I love Jesus, yet I felt overwhelmed by this assignment. I desperately wanted to do it well, but no one was telling me how. You see, I think we all understand passing our faith onto our kids in theory, but the “how” conversation, I was so hungry for, seemed to be missing.

I absolutely believe that parents desperately want to be all that God has called them to be. The truth is, Christian families are in crisis. The odds of our children walking with the Lord are not in our favour…It is reported that 80% of our kids walk away from faith at 18, and that there is less than 10% of faith talk in Christian homes outside of prayer. As parents, we understand passing faith to our kids in theory, but no one is breaking it down for us in a way that is tangible and practically applicable in our homes.

Though this journey began as a personal quest to better understand how to do/live this, it quickly became clear how desperate other families are for this information too. So with the Lord’s prompting, I have created a series of talks called Bringing Faith Home, to practically and tangibly equip parents to pass faith on to their children.

These talks set parents up with practical tools to pass faith on to the next 
generation. They are simple, applicable and absolutely do-able in a world where so many things are vying for our attention. It is my hope that after parents engage in these talks, they walk away empowered,, embraced, equipped and excited… understanding that this magnificent task, has been broken down into manageable bite size pieces. Our task as parents is to faithfully point our kids to Jesus; my passion is to equip them.

These talks have brought freedom, direction and intentionality to many families and I would love to share them with you and your faith community!

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I also have a talk called “Hearing God” –  “Be embraced by love, hope and direction, wherever you are on your journey, by learning to recognize God’s voice for yourself.”

For more information click here or click the screenshot below.

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About The Author

Brett Ullman

Brett Ullman travels North America speaking to teens, young adults, leaders, and parents on topics including parenting, mental health, sexuality, pornography, men, dating and media. Brett's seminars engage and challenge attendees to try and connect our ancient faith with our modern culture we live in. Participants are inspired to reflect on what we know, what we believe and how our faith ought to serve as the lens through which we view and engage tough conversations in our society today.

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