Worlds Apart (Brett Ullman) Update: Dec 2014
3 Times a year I am going to post a blog with an update to everything that has been going on at Worlds Apart the past 4 months. Welcome to the first update.
Here are some updates:
- Blog: The blog at went lives a month or so ago and it has been amazing to see the response. Some days we are having over 300 people a day come to the site. Amazing. I am also really excited that I am able to share ongoing resources with people in this one location.
- Health: This has been the busiest speaking season I have had since my breakdown. I have had 5 flights this fall (Halifax, Winnipeg and 3 trips to Alberta) as well as speaking dates throughout Ontario in schools, churches, camps and conferences. Â I am still struggling with my sleep and anxiety and recently was put on another sleeping pill to try and combat my fragmented sleep . The results were not what I was hoping and find myself more dizzy than before and had to be taken off of the med. Always frustrating times. I continue to speak through this ongoing journey of my breakdown and find people all around who are talking more about their stories of burnout, breakdown and suffering as I share about mine.
- Walking Wounded DVD: The Walking Wounded talk is now available on DVD as well as rental and Digital Download. Really excited to be able to film this talk and get it out to people struggling. The trailer for this talk came out so good. Click here for the Trailer.
- Truth Tellers: This fall I was also also to film and release a talk for people interested in speaking called Truth Tellers. It is basically everything I have learned in my 17-18 years as a speaker. Click here for the Truth Tellers talk.
- Leanne Cabral: It is exciting to watch Leanne Cabral’s speaking dates start to roll in. Please check out here website for more information on the talks that she does. I think her talk on Blessing and Rites of Passage is one of the those paramount conversations most missing in the lives of our younger kids.
- The.Sex.Talk: This Winter and Spring I am hoping to raise the money to film the talk that I do on sex called It will cost around $10,000. If you are able to help with this you can donate through Canada Helps (Click Here)
- Prayers: I would also ask for your prayers as I begin a new project in 2015. At leadership events they often challenge people with the question of what is your BHAG: Big Hairy Audacious Goal. I have had one milling around in my head for years and this year is the year that I see if I can get it off the ground. Mine is based around trying to leverage the 50,000-70,000 people a year I speak too and start creating some statistics which we can use as leaders in our ministries. More information coming in the new year.
- Donations: As always as a small charity we rely on donations for about 40% of our income. We started this year to try and find 100 people who would support us at $100 a year. This would not change your tithe to your church or affect your other givings but that small amount would help us in the work we do here at Worlds Apart. If you are able to help please click the Canada Helps site here
- Speaking: If you are interested in bringing me in to speak to your students, parents or leaders please just send me a message and we can start that conversation.
Thanks so much for your ongoing prayers and support. If you have any questions please send me an email. If you want to come out to any future speaking dates please check out the Tour Dates section on
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year