How are your small groups doing?
“Group Involvement Impacts People’s Daily Lives
As part of our research for Transformational Groups, we surveyed regular group attenders and non-group attenders about their daily spiritual lives—specifically, the time they spend outside of church and church-related activities. Here are some highlights as they concern spiritual disciplines:
- 67% of regular group attenders read their Bible regularly versus only 27% among non-group members.
- 64% of regular group attenders pray for their church and/or church leaders regularly. Only 30% of non-group attenders do.
- 82% of group attenders pray for fellow Christians versus 54% of non-group attenders.
- 79% of group attenders confess sins to God and ask forgiveness. 54% of non-group attenders do this.”
Check out the rest of this blog. Some really great thoughts here. I loved the idea about assessing your groups to see how they are actually doing
“Impactful groups require more than just attendance; they require a plan.”
[browser-shot width=”600″ url=”http://www.christianitytoday.com/edstetzer/2014/august/surprising-truth-about-discipleship-and-spiritual-disciplin.html”]