The Forsaken: A Rising Number of Homeless Gay Teens Are Being Cast Out by Religious Families

In the things we agree on Unity, the things we disagree on Liberty but it all things Love. In all things LOVE! We seem to be missing this last one when I read articles like this one in Rolling Stone.
This is not the time or place for a debate on pro or against LGBT lifestyle but a challenge for those of us who claim to be part of Christian Faith to actually live out the things we sing, talk about and read in scripture.
When I read this article and heard that this Christian mother said this to her daughter
“I don’t know what we could have done for God to have given us a fag as a child,”
This is speaking death to someone. The Bible is clear about the tongue and its power. The lifelong destruction by the words of these parents in this article so lack any conversation of hope, mercy, and grace. It seems crazy that we have Christians kicking their kids out of their houses then other churches or organizations might be helping the same kids when they are on the street.
For those of us who work with youth, this seems to be a growing conversation. Teens and Young Adults hurt and broken by the conversations and language used by parents, leaders and other Christians.
This article leaves me with a weird feeling of great sadness mixed with great anger.
Click here for the entire article.