Take Home Take Home


Micyael Hyatt – The Lost Art of Note-Taking


Sex (please see Take Home for

Self Injury (please see Take Home for  your story: the wounding embrace)

Zoe Chance – How much does it cost to make a hit song?

Penny Arcade – Video Game Addiction Part 1

Penny Arcade – Video Game Addiction Part 2 – Self / Peer Exploitation: It’s Not ok

CTV News –  Website aims to help teens emerge from the aftermath of ‘sexting’

CTV – W5 – Inside the sexting sub-culture of teens


Doggie Head Tilt – Rx for ED?

Filtering and Accountability Software

Open DNS –The Worlds Largest Internet Secueity Network

X3Watch – The Keys to online integrity and Accoubtability

Covenant Eyes – Internet Accountability and Filitering

Net Nanny – We Protect Families

K-9  – Web Protection

Faith (Spiritual Discplines)

 Jeff McClung – Why Spiritual Diciplines aren’t Enough

Carl Lentz – Worship

Tim Keller (book) – The Reason for God

Lee Strobel (book) – The Case for Christ

Lee Strobel (book) – The Case for Faith

1. Simple and Sacrifical Living

Bill Walker – How should we tithe?

Global Rich List – How Rich are you?

Christal Earl – The Complexity of Complicity

2. Solitude and Silence

New Wood – Henri Nouwen: Without Silence and Solitude “Our Lives are in Danger”

Michael Hyatt – The Practice of Stillness

Carey Nieuwhof – 8 Reasons Leaders need Solitude and 5 doable ways to find it

Debra K Fileta – The Perks of Solitude

Tyler Ward – Why we need to start taking the Sabbath Seriously

3. Sabbath

Mark Buchanan (book) – The Rest of God

Christine Organ – Taking a Modern-Day Sabbath

Kirk Winslow – Dignity, Freedom and Peace

4. Community

5. Service to Others

6. Worship

6a. Praise and Worship

6b. Communion

6c. Teaching

6d. Prayer

6e. Fasting

6f. Study

Jim Eliff – My Peferred Way to Read the Bible


Glo Bible – Experience the Bible like Never Before

Logos Bible Software

Olive Tree – The Bible Study App

Commentary – NIV Application Commentary 



Lecrae – Erasing Sacred / Secular Divide & Engaging Culture 

John Stott – Four Ways Christians Can Influence the World

Kary Oberbrunner (book) – The Fine Line

H. Richard Niebuhr (book) – Christ & Culture

Dick Staub (book) – The Culturally Savy Christian

Andy Crouch (book) Culture Making: Restoring our Creative Calling

Bob Briner (book) – Roaring Lambs

Good Articles

Psychology Today – The Marks of Maturity

About The Author

Brett Ullman

Brett Ullman travels North America speaking to teens, young adults, leaders, and parents on topics including parenting, mental health, sexuality, pornography, men, dating and media. Brett's seminars engage and challenge attendees to try and connect our ancient faith with our modern culture we live in. Participants are inspired to reflect on what we know, what we believe and how our faith ought to serve as the lens through which we view and engage tough conversations in our society today.

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