The Sex Talk

the.sex.talk – students: Everyone likes to feel comfortable. In fact, we pad our lives with comforts of all kinds, and we push things that make life uncomfortable as far from us as possible. If you’re like most people, you quietly withdrew as you read the title of this piece in Christian context.
the.sex.talk is an unapologetic, straight-forward talk on the nature of sex in this era of modern media. Addressing such issues as STDs, pregnancy, porn, sexting, singleness and grace, Brett Ullman tackles the often awkward and uncomfortable topic of sex in a direct, Biblical fashion linking current topics and trends with Biblical examples and principles.
Our media saturated culture consistently floods our minds with inaccurate, often twisted truths about the true nature of sex. As fellow journeyers, let’s ask the tough questions together as we look to connect our ancient faith with our modern world.
**new ** the.sex.talk – parents edition: This talk was designed to empower and equip parents to talk about this tough conversation in their homes. Same description as above but looking at it from a standpoint of parents.
the.Sex.Talk (Parents and Leaders) from Brett Ullman on Vimeo.